FHIR© Implementation Guide - DRAFT

Point of Care Diagnostics FHIR IG
- CI Build

Point of Care Diagnostics FHIR IG - Local Development build.

Vendor Guidance


The purpose of this section is to provide step by step guidance to vendors using examples for using the Point of Care Diagnostics Implementation Guide to integrate a measurement system into the Point of Care Diagnostics ecosystem.

The following resources can be leveraged by the vendor to build their systems and apps.


Wiki Documentation Including Sample Code

Vendor Guidance to Integrate their Measurement System

The following are the steps that each vendor has to perform to get their measurement system integrated.


  • Each Vendor who has a measurement device is assumed to have a mobile app accompanying the device communicating with each other using NFC protocols such as Bluetooth.
  • Vendors who only have a mobile app as a measurement system do not need to interact with any device.
  • Vendors who only have measurement device but no accompanying mobile app can work with IPRD Solutions to build/leverage the general purpose MGD mobile app.

Integration Steps:

The following are the steps to be followed by a vendor to integrate their device into the Point of Care Diagnostics eco-system

Step 1: Register the Subjective or Objective measurement system with the MGD mobile app.

This is currently done manually and hence vendors are requested to perform this action manually working with the MGD platform support team. The team can be contacted at :

Step 2: Develop the software to handle the Intent request with FHIR Payload.

  • Develop an intent using standard Android best practices.
  • Give a unique name to the intent.
  • Register the intent following Step 1 above with the MGD Mobile App.
  • Create software to receive and parse FHIR Payload.
  • Validate the FHIR Payload and the Service Request objects.
  • Initiate the Objective or Subjective Measurement Test.

Step 3: Return the measurement/assessment values by raising an Intent back to the MGD App along with the FHIR payload.

  • Create the FHIR Payload to return the result which includes creating Observation, Condition, MedicationRequest.
  • Create the FHIR Bundle with the appropriate FHIR Resources.
  • Invoke the Intent for the MGD App passing the FHIR payload.


In order to verify that the integration is successful, the following sandbox resources can be used to excercise your app.

Links to Sandbox for a vendor to test their app